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The computer, Internet and mobile revolutions have enabled the fourth revolution of data and social networks where millions of parties share with others over a few platforms concentrating and monetizing all the knowledge.

But today’s pull towards composite services from different businesses, privacy and timely execution requires a different, decentralized, approach to all contractual workflows and value transfers.

This fifth revolution of service networks implies many businesses, people and devices will onboard each other and will transact securely with each other to deliver core innovative services over new decentralized platforms, owned jointly.


FileChain has spent many years perfecting a wide range of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) platforms to underpin any enterprise-grade and cost-effective decentralized solution.

We look forward to engaging with you.

Sylvain Vittecoq, Founder and CEO


Contractual Workflows And Value Transfers

Quantum Resistant And Large Scale

Decentralize To Disrupt

Independent companies, individuals, autonomous systems and administrations can all contract with each other and transact with each other to deliver global business-critical services over shared FileChain platforms, powered by a new generation of blockchain.

  • Privacy and consent at scale

  • Millions of endpoints to monetize services on their own

  • Simple onboarding to grow by network effect

  • Data dissemination to reduce ransomware exposure

  • Ownership on need-to-know basis only to cap liability

  • Overlay across jurisdictions

  • Quantum resistance to solve "Store Now, Decrypt Later"

Streamline Your Workflows

and Value Transfers

FileChain platforms underpin business-critical workflows

as well as truly private value transfers

of fungible and non-fungible assets.

  • Contract management and legal prose on ledger

  • Extensive transparency and due-diligence (KYC, AML)

  • Rule based automation for all transactions

  • Provenance tracking with total granularity

  • Full regulatory compliance (GDPR, etc.)

Engage With Us

FileChain combines the best of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) into integration-ready, enterprise-grade solutions with a much simpler and cheaper Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) than the competition.

  • Consulting services available to refine your needs around decentralized IT solutions

  • FileChain SDK empowers application engineers without expertise in decentralized technology nor cryptography

  • Your business idea to initial deployment usually achieved in a few weeks

  • FileChain partners include renowned system integrators to deliver any large project


True End To End Privacy

Need To Know Only

Low Liability By Data Dissemination

Provenance Tracing

Growth To Any Scale

Any Endpoint (Business, Individual, Smart Device)

Automation Without Smart Contracts

Papertrail Reduction

No Intermediary

Always On

Lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)



Versatility To Any Industry

Partners & Customers

Deployment Examples


social platform


for goods and services

Provenance platform for

supply chain or shipping

Trading platform for

gaming rewards and coins

Redeem platform for

retail fidelity points

ISO 20022

cross-border platform

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